Benvenuto! Se stai cercando di migliorare il rapporto con te stesso e con gli altri per portare la tua vita a un nuovo livello di consapevolezza fisica, emotiva e mentale che ti renda più felice sei nel sito giusto.
Molte cose intorno a noi, dal lavoro alle relazioni, sono strettamente connesse al nostro mondo emotivo e interno più di quanto pensiamo.
Il mio compito è aiutare le persone come te, che aspirano ad individuare e raggiungere I propri obiettivi, a sognare un futuro diverso, cambiare il modo in cui pensano e poter finalmente trasformare le cattive abitudini mentali che le bloccano .
Qui troverai tutti i modi in cui posso aiutarti; dalle risorse agli eventi dal vivo ai singoli programmi di coaching.
Welcome! You are in the right place if you are looking to improve your relationship with yourself and others, and take your life to a new level of satisfaction and happiness.
Most things in our external world, from our work to our relationships, are much more closely tied to our internal world than we consciously realize. My work is helping people just like you, who have dreams and goals, to define them better and change the way they think and feel so that they can finally get past what was holding them back.
Here you will find all the ways that I can help you; from resources and live events, to one-to-one coaching programs.
Inverti la marcia
Costruisci la vita partendo da te. Seminari, workshop e incontri individuali con il Coach. E’ possibile organizzare anche gruppi di lavoro collettivo. Sono a tua disposizione per illustrarti i principi e il metodo su cui si fonda l’attività del DreamBuilder.
Stop making excuses
Create the blueprint of your life.
Seminars, workshops and individual meetings with me.
Recensioni (Reviews)
Cristiana is a different life coach, I’ve tried several life coach but so far Cristiana was the most effective for me & my life. The method is clear, easy & practical. Cristiana combine energetic approach to “scientific method”. She cares about you & she is dedicated to you. She knows how to open the door of your unconscious to identify your inner pattern, therefore she helps you to reprogram the ones that doesn’t belong to you anymore Thanks Cristiana, I’ve made my first Dream happen, now looking for the second one to achieve together! (yes I’m about to start my 3rd program with her)…
Grazie a Cristiana ho realizzato il sogno più bello e importante della mia vita. Questo perché lei mi ha insegnato a credere in me, a trasformare le mie paure e i miei paradigmi, ad ascoltare ciò che davvero desidero, a porre l’attenzione a ciò che mi rende felice e a ciò che mi contrae, ad affidarmi, a lasciare andare, a seguire il mio istinto, ad andare oltre gli schemi, a osare oltre ogni limite
I had the possibility to work with Cristiana with her Dream Building program and I can say that this changed my way of thinking and to deal with life circumstances with more awareness. I suggested the program to some friend and relatives as well with a great result in their personal evolution. Thank you very much Cristiana
I would like to take this opportunity and immensely to recommend dearest Mrs. Cristiana Durante working as Dream Builder International Coach Mrs. Durante is very dynamic person and very loving and caring person. I have been attending to the courses organized by Cristiana since long time and Mrs. Durante always been supporting me to explore my dreams. I undoubtedly say that Mr. Durante is very sincere, faithful person having great devotion to her working I found her one of the nice person and just like my friend in my life.
Cristiana riesce a fare molto di più che motivare le persone: fa capire alle persone come trovare autonomamente la propria motivazione
Straordinario viaggio nelle sfere più remote e profonde di me, ecco dove mi ha condotto Cristiana con passione e professionalità. Ho liberato energie nella costruzione dei miei sogni trasformando insoddisfazioni in desideri e opportunità, per giungere finalmente libera a compiere motivate scelte personali. Grazie!
Il percorso di Dreambuilding non è stato proprio come me lo sarei aspettato. Pensavo, ingenuamente, che fossero dei metodi per aumentare il rateo di successi di una persona in una determinata area tramite dei processi psicologici. Si è rivelato molto, molto più di questo! Passato l’iniziale momento di circospezione mi sono ritrovato dentro un percorso che mi ha permesso non solo di tracciare una strada che mi conducesse ai miei obiettivi (cosa che sta accadendo), ma di migliorare anche come persona, di avere dei sani rapporti con le persone a me care, di avere un motivo per cui sorridere la mattina. È un’esperienza che consiglio fortemente sia a coloro che già stanno bene, per migliorare ancora, sia a coloro che, come me, non vedevano motivi per andare avanti. Il percorso di Dreambuilding ha esposto anche quali fossero gli aspetti della mia vita e della mia personalità che dovevo coltivare, migliorare, “riprogammare” in modo da vivere la mia vita appieno. Non è possibile rimanere delusi di questo percorso, se perseguito con costanza e fiducia.
Cristiana is amazingly insightful, straightforward and helpful. Her powerful understanding of deep truths about what is going on in one’s world – inside and outside, make her an outstanding coach and body worker. She used all of her skills when she worked with me. I am still appreciating the long term benefits of what she did!
Cristiana is an extraordinary life coach. She guided me through an illuminating path to discover myself. I had group sessions, couple sessions and one to one sessions with her. I started immediately to feel empowered, able to change my life, strong enough to get anything I wanted. This is the magic happening during a session with Cristiana. Moreover she provides you with a method that you can keep following by youself when the session is over.
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet, work personally, and attend 2 workshops lead by Cristiana Durante..every contact left me, lighter, brighter, and a better person. She gave me tools to look into myself, to continue to grow, and recognize the changes that were going on within me. She is a dynamic, high energy person, who see’s clearly into you, and puts her finger on your pulse to motivate, stimulate, and aid your growth and development. She is always there with you, and through her, miracles have happened in my life, as I broke down old walls, and opened new portals of mind and heart. Thank you coach!!!
“Undoubtedly, one of the wisest choices I have made in my life was to select Cristiana to be my coach on the dreambuilder. For starters, dreambuilder is a wonderful course. It is a very clear and comprehensive structure from which to really leap forwards into a place where your heart can truly sing and dreams become reality. And, when doing the work, miracles can and do happen. My life is transformed from doing the course, I have the most wonderful future. Cristiana is a gifted coach. She skillfully combines her intuition, compassion, humour, acceptance, tenacity, and strength of character and really gave me so much support along the way. No challenge of mine was too great. She flexed our sessions and met me where I was at each week. She worked me hard, and she worked harder to support me. Because of her great belief in me, I was able to begin to believe in myself and my dreams. I was very happy to commit to the work as Cristiana filled me with a passion for really coming alive. I knew I could rely on her totally all the way, she truly cares about her work and bringing more love and light into the world. I would thoroughly recommend Cristiana as a coach.
Before working with Cristiana the only hesitations I had was if this was another ‘get happy quickly’ coaching program. My biggest struggle was to know what I really want for myself, not what I’ve been conditioned to want and believing that I can have it. With the Dream Builder Program and Cristiana’s fine tuned intuition my life has changed dramatically. I have a deep sense of appreciation for myself and know that I am moving towards the life that I have built during this months. I wake up energized and ready to accomplish new things. I feel less stressed, less rushed knowing that with the right mindset and sticking to what I truly desire things will fall into place. The Dream Builder provided me with a proven framework to dare to dream big and really changing unwanted, old patterns. I am now where I have never been before. Working with Cristiana was an eye opening experience. She is a combination of both – very intuitive and a great coach at the same time. She is dedicated to help and determined to make you succeed. She holds you accountable from day 1. Her international background makes it easy for her to relate to clients from all over of the world. Although she is understanding, she also expects results and dedication from your end. So this is no BS program.
I love what you do and how you do it! it’s inspiring – and I LOVE, that you have solid, incorporated knowledge, that you have actually LIVED and not just ‘read about’ as you see with so many courses in this industry of ours I cherrish you deeply
Sono così grata di averti incontrata perché e come se tu mi avessi consegnato il libretto di istruzioni di me stessa!!!! Grazie per tutto quello che mi hai fatto vedere, Oltre a fare benissimo il tuo lavoro colpisce tantissimo L entusiasmo e la tua vitalità nel comprendere il genere umano. Barbara M.
Dream Builder – il sistema
Il metodo “Dream Builder” e’ un corso ben collaudato e strutturato in 90 giorni, diviso in periodi di 4 settimane. Ciascuno ti conduce da dove sei ora a un livello piu’ profondo di coscienza e consapevolezza.
Ci incontreremo sulla piattaforma Skype per 12 settimane. Rivedremo insieme il lavoro fatto, studiare insieme le nuove lezioni ed esaminare i tuoi progressi. Avrai dei compiti settimanali da svolgere, riceverai audio, testi e meditazioni personalizzate.
Tra una lezione e l’altra potrai sempre raggiungermi via mail per eventuali domande o bisogno di aiuto.